Name | KIT Institution | Responsibilities |
Jürgen Becker | Institute for Information Processing Technologies | Speaker of Research Area IV, Member of Coordination Committee |
Wolfgang Freude | Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics | |
Ingmar Kallfass | University of Stuttgart, Institute of Robust Power Semiconductor Systems | Member of Coordination Committee |
Christian Koos | Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics; Institute of Microstructure Technology | Teratronics Speaker, Speaker of Research Area III, Member of Coordination Committee |
Ulrich Lemmer | Light Technology Institute; Institute of Microstructure Technology | |
Juerg Leuthold | ETH Zürich, Institute of Photonic Systems | |
Anke-Susanne Müller | ANKA Synchrotron Radiation Facility | Member of Coordination Committee |
Bryce Richards | Institute of Microstructure Technology | |
Thomas Schimmel | Institute of Applied Physics | |
Michael Siegel | Institute of Micro and Nano Electronic Systems | Speaker of Research Area V, Member of Coordination Committee |
Wilhelm Stork | Institute of Information Processing Technology | |
Mehdi Tahoori | Chair of Dependable Nano Computing | |
Alexey Ustinov | Physical Institute | Member of Coordination Committee |
Marc Weber | Institute for Data Processing and Electronics | Speaker of Research Area VI, Member of Coordination Committee |
Martin Wegener | Institute of Applied Physics, Insitute of Nanotechnology | |
Thomas Zwick | Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics | Speaker of Research Area II, Member of Coordination Committee |
Name | KIT Institution | |
Bründermann, Erik | Staff Scientist | Head of Accelerator Research Department |
Kühner, Thomas | Mentor | Institute for Data Processing and Electronics |
Pauli, Mario | Mentor | Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics |
Smale, Nigel | Mentor | ANKA - the Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
Name | Doctoral Thesis | Group |
Bhutani, Akanksha | RF Interface for Silicon based EOM | Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics |
Billah, Muhammad Rodlin | Novel integration concepts for photonic terabit/s multichip transceivers | Institute of Microstructure Technology |
Bilmes, Alexander | Experiments on microscopic defects using superconducting qubits | Physical Institute |
Blaicher, Matthias | Tools and Techniques for Hybrid 2D/3D Photonic Integration | Institute of Microstructure Technology |
Boes, Florian | Millimeter wave wireless communication | Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics (IHE) |
Bohn, Christian | Phase and Frequency Control Circuits for Photonic Systems | |
Boltz, Tobias | Analysis and Control of Particle Accelerator Operation and Acclerator-generated THz Radiation using Machine learning Techniques | Institute for Beam Physics and Technology (IBPT) |
Braumüller, Jochen | Quantum simulation with superconducting metamaterials | Physical Institute |
Brosi, Miriam | Systematic Studies of Multi-Bunch Longitudinal Beam Dynamics in the Generation of Coherent THz Radiation | Laboratory for applications of synchrotron radiation (LAS) |
de Azambuja, José Rodrigo | Developing Non-Intrusive Hybrid Fault Tolerance Techniques to Detect Errors in Multiple Processors Systems | Institute for Information Processing, Group of Jürgen Becker |
Dietrich, Philipp | Hybrid 2D/3D Photonic Integration | Institute of Microstructure Technology |
Dreschmann, Michael | Institute for Information Processing Technologies | |
Eisenbeis, Jörg | System Evaluation of Hybrid Optical and Millimeter Wave High Speed Communication | Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronic |
Füllner, Christoph | Design and Characterization of Terabit/s Optical Communication Systems | Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics (IPQ) |
Figuli, Shalina | Architectures and tools for highly efficient systems on chips | Institute for Information Processing Technology |
Göttel, Benjamin | A Fully Integrated, Multi-Purpose Radio Front-End for Wireless 100 Gbps | Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics |
Gebregiorgis, Anteneh Bogale | Reliability Assessment of Multicore Architectures and Design Techniques for Reliability Improvement | Chair of Dependable Nano Computing (CDNC) |
Golanbari, Mohammad Saber | Reliability of Modern Digital Circuits, from Transistor to Circuit Level | Chair of Dependable Nano Computing (CDNC), group of Prof. Tahoori |
Grötsch, Christopher | Design of Frequency Converting Ciruits for Terahertz Applications | Institut für Robuste Leistungshalbleitersysteme, Universität Stuttgart |
Grünhaupt, Lukas | Investigation of high-kinetic inductance media for superconducting qubits | Physikalisches Institut |
Harter, Tobias | Nanophotonic Devices for Terahertz Signal Processing | Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics |
Hebeler, Joachim | Adaptive Millimeter-Wave Circuits for Integrated Wireless Systems | Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics (IHE) |
Hoose, Tobias | Photonic wire bonds for multi-chip systems | Institute of Microstructure Technology |
Judin, Vitali | Investigations of Impedance and Multi-bunch Effects on the Emission of coherent THz radiation | Laboratory for applications of synchrotron radiation, Group of Tilo Baumbach |
Jung, Philipp | Tunable Metamaterials | Physical Institute, Group of Alexey Ustinov |
Köhnle, Kira | Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics & Institute of Microstructure Technology | |
Kemal, Juned | Terabit/s optical communication using optical frequency combs | Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics |
Kieninger, Clemens | Investigation of Novel Material Systems and Device Concepts for Second-Order Nonlinear Materials | Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics |
Lauermann, Matthias | Silicon-organic hybrid devices for high-speed electro-optic signal processing | Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics |
Mühlbrandt, Sascha Johannes | Plasmonic Photodetectors | Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics/Institute of Microstructure Technology |
Marahrens, Sören | Millimeter Wave Radar System for High Accuracy Measurements | Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics |
Meder, Lukas | Design of digital signal processing systems for communication and data acquisiton in the Teratronics Domain | Institute for Information Processing Technology |
Nguyen, Duc | Three-dimensional polymer waveguides for on-board optical interconnects | Institute of Microstructure Technology |
Pfirrmann, Marco | Interfacing feromagnetic magnons with a superconduction qbit | Physical Institute |
Pistorius, Felix | Konzeptionierung und Entwicklung einer heterogenen Architektur für „High-Performance Digital Processing“ Systeme | Institute for Information Processing |
Raasch, Juliane | Submikrometer-YBCO-Strukturen zur Anwendung als Strahlungsdetektoren | Institute of Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems |
Reder, Simon | Design and evaluation of a framework accelerating MPSoC based ultra high speed communication system simulations | Institute for Information Processing Technologies |
Schön, Yannick | We investigate the non-linear properties of superconducting nano-wires in microwave electronics | Physikalisches Institut |
Schönfeldt, Patrik | Investigation of ultra-short electron bunch profiles for the generation of coherent THz radiation in single- and multi-bunch environments | Laboratory for applications of synchrotron radiatin (LAS) |
Schlör, Steffen | Design and microwave spectroscopy of a gate-controlled, nanowire-based qubit | ERC group QuantumMagnonics |
Schmid, Alexander | Integrate Multi-pixel Arrays for THz Spectroscopy | Institute of Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems |
Schneider, Karina | 3D Printed THz Interconnects for Integrated Electronic-Photonic Systems | Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics |
Schneider, Norbert | Scalable fabrication of three dimensional photonic nanostructures with shape memory polymers | Institute of Microstructure Technology |
Schwab, Patrick | Electrically excited optical nanoantennas | Light Technology Institute |
Skwierawski, Piotr Henryk | Terabit optical data transmission for detectors | Institute for Data Processing and Electronics |
Steinmann, Johannes | Detection, seeding and controlling of micro-bunching instabilities in the ANKA storage ring | Laboratory for applications of synchrotron radiation (LAS) |
Trappen, Mareike | 3D-printed micro mechano-optical systems | Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics (IPQ) |
Ummethala, Sandeep | Hybrid nanophotonic devices for teratronic applications | Institute of Microstructure Technology |
Vincze, Paul | Substratkonsumierende metallorganische Schichten: Optische Eigenschaften, Wachstumsmechanismen und Strukturaufklärung | Institute of Applied Physics |
von Vangerow, Christian | Analog signal processing for high speed data transmission | Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics (IHE) |
Voss, Jan | Quantum dynamics of Josephson vortices | Physikalisches Institut |
Wankler Hoppe, Augusto | Fault-Tolerant circuits and SoC architectures based on programmable platforms | Institute for Information Processing Technologies |
Wolz, Tim | Characterization of Magnetic Noise in the Quantum Regime | Physikalisches Institut |
Xu, Yilin | Advanced Hybrid 2D/3D Photonic Integrated Systems for Communications and Signal Processing | Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics |
Zwickel, Heiner | Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics (IPQ) |
Your Contact
Stefanie Peer
For questions about HIRST or other partner graduate schools, please contact Stefanie at stefanie peer ∂ kit edu